One Fish, Two Fish

Speaking of Solids… September 30, 2008

Filed under: Goofball,Mom and Dad,Month Four,Sam — leighnut @ 4:11 pm

The pediatrician told us that we should start feeding Sam cereal about a half hour before he is due to eat, so he doesn’t get so hungry and then frustrated that I’m not nursing him. Last night, Sam took a nap and slept through the time that I had planned to start, and woke up crying and starving. So I fed him, then made cereal to finish off the feeding time. He ate very little, but I wanted to keep the routine going.

Then Rob started playing with him. One of Sam’s favorite games is Superbaby, where we fly him up over our heads. During one of Sam’s flights over Rob’s head, Rob was saying, “Wooooooow!” and Sam puked right into his mouth. Right. Into. His. Mouth. Perfect shot. I wish that I had the video camera going to capture the stunned/sickened look on Rob’s face. It was priceless.

And the funniest thing is that just the other night, I was wondering aloud what one of us would do if Sam puked in our mouths while flying him above our heads. Would we reflexively swallow it? Would we spit it out? Would we, in turn, puke? Rob’s response: hand the baby over and spit it into the nearest glass. And swish and spit with clean, cold water many many times.


2 Responses to “Speaking of Solids…”

  1. RoseT Says:

    wow. gross.

    when my cousin matt was little, he drooled right. into. my. mouth. i will never forget…

  2. leighnut Says:

    Yeah, it was incredible. And I am SO GLAD that it wasn’t me.

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