One Fish, Two Fish

Half a Day Old February 17, 2011

Filed under: Baby,Hospital Life,Mom and Dad,Month One,Mushy — leighnut @ 8:23 pm

She coos. She coos almost all the time.
She’s got a smushy little nose, and her mouth and chin look like Sam’s.
She eats like a champ and has pooped and peed. She’s doing all of her jobs!
She’s got huge, huge chubby cheeks — perfect for smushing and squeezing.
She has feminine little hands with long fingers.
She has long eyelashes like her Daddy.
She loves to be snuggled and swaddled.
She wears hats well.

We love her more and more with every moment that passes.


Welcome to the World Anna Leigh Peavler

Filed under: Baby,Hospital Life,Mom and Dad,Month One,Mushy,Photo — leighnut @ 3:46 am

Anna Leigh Peavler made a very quick entrance into the world at 1:54 am on Thursday, February 17th. She weighs a cuddly 9 lbs and 15 oz. and is 22 inches long. Kristin moved from a 5 to a 9 in a matter of minutes and our doctor barely had time to get from home into the delivery room as the wonderful resident (Sarah from Duluth) delivered Anna. Anna scored a precocious 9 of 10 on the Apgar test and is wonderfully perfect in every way. She is bright eyed and quiet just like Sam was but unlike her older brother she has taken right to breast feeding! Kristin was amazing during delivery and doing fine even though she’s quite sore right now.

Anna, we loved you before we ever met you face-to-face and we’ll love you always. Welcome to our family and to your life. We’re so excited to see you grow up and hear about your dreams and find out all the things you love to do. We can’t wait to watch you grow into your own personality and see how you’re similar and different from Sam and from us. Mostly, we’re excited to get to know you and show you all the wonderful things that our world has to offer!

Welcome home little one…..we love you.